Sunday, April 8, 2018

Meet Our Characters! Pt. 4 (The Unjustly Short-Lived)

This is the fourth and final part of our series, "Meet Our Characters!" On this grand finale, I have saved the best for last- our protagonist!

Kahlil Parker

Kahlil is an African American high school senior who basically goes against every stereotype that exist of the black community. Kahlil is not a thug, he does not have a hard and heartless attitude, he actually likes to show his softer side and is very quirky and awkward in nature. He does not like to get in trouble, he is a good son, he is a good student, and he got accepted into Ivy League schools.

He tends to be home alone often because mom is constantly at work trying to provide for the family. His parents are divorced and his father lives away with his new family that Kahlil does not like very much. Because of his soft personality in a relatively rough neighborhood and his unfortunate family matters, Kahlil often finds himself feeling lonely and secluded from the environment around him.

The character of Kahlil was inspired by Donald Glover and the role that he plays in Atlanta. He is an awkward, yet relatable guy who just doesn't seem to fit in. The video below is a perfect example of Donal Glover's personality and how we want it to influence the personality of Kahlil Parker.

So why a character like Kahlil? It was very important for us to take deeply consider representation in our story. The problem with racism-driven police brutality and racial profiling is that the dangerous stereotypes held upon black people in a white-dominated society inform the extreme depth of injustice that it causes.


R. (2011, November 07). Battle: Donald Glover vs. Childish Gambino. Retrieved April 09, 2018, from

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